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"Back to earth" was battling in a music contest on KZ Radio

The track "Back to earth" battled on a music contest that was organised by the whiskey label "Ballantine's" and was broadcasted on the Israeli radio station - KZ Radio (Known as "Hakatze - min: 53:30).

Ballantine's contest was open to indie musicians from many different genres and the best track was to be winning an album design by the artist "klone" which is a known artist in that field and has a distinctive style. Winning an album design by him was definitely a dream.

My track "Back to earth" made it to the semi final along with 22 different tracks. The judges panel and the audience ranked the tracks and 13 of them made it to the finals. "Back to earth" did not made to the finals but proudly represented the Psytrance ganer.

Thank you "Ballantine's" and KZ Radio, it was wicked! Keep on renewing with fresh indie music.

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